Agents with The Best Pay Per Head not only get the finest in price per head bookmaking, including massive wagering menus in our sportsbook, racebook and online casino, but they can also monitor all their betting action, calculate wins and losses, and track wagering patterns and trends with our exclusive and detailed reports.
One of the best tools available to pay per head agents – and a huge reason why so many pen-and-paper bookies are making the jump to PPH services – is the quick and easy methods used for reporting on their book and client base.
The Best Pay Per Head uses innovative software to instantly calculate which bets are winners and losers, add those wagers up and provide weekly reports on which clients are due winnings and which ones to collect from.
On top of those, agents can choose from 100-plus weekly reports, analyzing which clients are considered sharp bettors, what sports or teams clients like the play, as well as which sports or odds are winning and losing the most for your specific book.
This ability to breakdown betting patterns and trends helps agents make split-second, money-saving adjustments to their markets, customizing their website offerings to best fit their needs and the needs of their client base.
The Best Pay Per Head is always pushing for innovation when it comes to price per head bookmaking, and our valuable reports are just one of the unique ways in which we’re setting the PPH industry standard.